Standing for Election
At the AGI GeoCommunity 2012, Andy Coote suggested gently
that I should consider standing for Council. I spent a long time thinking about
this (probably a bit too long since I then had to rush to get my form in on
time!) and speaking to some other council members, the AGI team and my employer
about the level of commitment required before putting myself forward. The
process is very straightforward and there is
information on the AGI website.
Council Meetings & Key Tasks
meet a minimum of 5 times a year at AGI HQ in London. It can be a long day
(particularly including a round trip from Edinburgh!) but it is a great
opportunity to catch up with other Council
members and really important that we all have this time to consider AGI
business away from our day jobs.

In addition to directing the strategy of the AGI, there is a
requirement for Council members to support regional groups and SIGs and to
provide an additional resource and operational support to the AGI team. During
2013 I have been involved in the organisation of Showcase Events and the
Council Marketing group. Our marketing and communication activities have taken
a big step forward this year, including the successful appointment of Chris,
and I am confident that you will start to notice positive changes in the coming
months if you haven't already.
Being a Representative
Of course being a Council member isn't just about attending
meetings and providing operational support – it is also about being available
to members and the wider community as a representative of both AGI and AGI
The AGI team are small and do an excellent job with the
limited resource they have – but this is not enough to grow AGI and maintain a
strong membership and voice in UK GI.
With being elected to council comes an expectation to perform the role
of an AGI and UK GI Ambassador. From my
own perspective, this has included being visible and present at UK events,
speaking actively about the role of the AGI and looking to engage and
collaborate with other organisations that share our views on the role of
geospatial and geography in the UK.
However, I would like to add a note that this is a role that
all AGI members can play, whatever your role in the industry. We need you to be
ambassadors for the AGI and GI – AGI members play a vital role in the UK GI
industry and together we can have immense reach and drive forwards our
collective desires and ambitions.
Spot me at State of the
Map 2013 – the Disadvantages of being Vertically Challenged ( Image: Chris Fleming)
Time Juggling & The Benefits
Where do I find time volunteer as an AGI Council member? Jo
Cook mentioned the term “task-management ninja” in
blog post summing up experiences of organising FOSS4G and I can really
relate to this as I suspect can most of my Council colleagues.
I am lucky to have a patient husband and family in addition
to a supportive employer that recognise the value of my AGI input to my own
professional development and the benefits to
Scotland Forest Trust (CSFT) as an organisation. Without this support and
flexible working arrangements, it would be difficult to keep my Council
commitments and this is why I would really recommend having these discussions
openly before you stand for Council.
Yes, it is a lot of hard work, but I am not a selfless
person. Of course, I believe in a strong UK GeoCommunity and the AGI, but if I
were not getting something back from my involvement then I wouldn't be doing
it. It is incredibly personally satisfying to have direct input into shaping
the AGI.
Post- Council Team Networking
During the last nine months on Council I have had the
opportunity to meet and work with some of the most influential and inspiring
members in our GeoCommunity. I have developed a wide range of skills and
experience as a Council Member and Director that have been incredibly useful
elsewhere. It has raised my own professional profile and influenced the way
that I work in addition to bringing forward new ideas and opportunities for
CSFT as we develop and realise the
Central Scotland Green
Network. Finally, being involved in AGI Council and working as part of a
great team with shared ambition is immense fun!
So, that's it (I hope this is what you wanted Chris!). If I
haven't put you off please consider standing for election either this year or
some point in the future. Get in touch with any of us on Council or the AGI
Team if you need any further information. Remember that there are many other
ways to support the AGI and get involved – SIGs & Regional Groups always
welcome able and enthusiastic volunteers, and it is up to all of us to be AGI
and industry Ambassadors and develop our strong GeoCommunity.