As the sunny month of July draws to a close and the temperature in the
AGI offices reaches something approaching melting point I thought a quick recap
of developments at the AGI over the past month would be appropriate.
The blog (and its one month
That’s right I am hubristically going to talk about the blog first,
partly because it is my pet project and partly because I am amazed that I have
managed to keep my promise of posting every Tuesday and Thursday... Anyway it
seems that people are actually reading the blog (thank you web analytics) so I
will continue writing it. Feedback has been received along with some offers of
guest posts, not being one to ask for feedback and then ignore it I am going to
slightly change the focus of the blog from next month. I still plan to feature
SIGs and regional groups as already discussed but I will also aim to shed some
light on the workings of the AGI such as policy changes and will try to offer useful
advice around the industry (guest posts very welcome on this point).
Social Media – Steadily Growing
With a renewed focus on social media I am happy to announce that we
have passed the (small) milestone of 200 followers on the @agi_news twitter feed. I will be
considerably more excited when we hit 1000 followers so if you have not done so
yet please follow us. We now have regular content including updates on the AGI
and general GI news from around the internet.
The LinkedIn has also seen resurgence in activity with the main AGI and
Suppliers SIG groups being particularly active. If you are a SIG remember I
strongly recommend joining the respective LinkedIn group as there will remain
the main forum for online debate at least until the new AGI website is ready to
GeoCom ’13 – Early Bird Extended
The most important news coming out of the feverish GeoCom preparations
this week is that the early bird offer has been extended until Wednesday 7th
August. This is due to an unfortunate technical problem with our booking
engine. However you get an extra week to snap up the significant discounts
offered by the early bird packages which hopefully makes up for any inconvenience
The Annual Awards – Nominations open
Nominations have opened for the Annual AGI awards, one of the key ways
in which we promote the use of and innovation within GI. The awards also provide
an opportunity for our members to be recognised for their efforts and achievements
over the year. Nominations close on the 27th September and you can
even nominate yourself/your organisation if you think you have a worthwhile
project. For more details and information on how to nominate someone follow
this link:
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