Thursday, 25 July 2013

It’s the Regional Groups' turn to take the limelight!

Following on from the recent focus on the SIGs it seemed only fair and proper to pay some attention to the Regional Groups. The Regional Groups are, unsurprisingly AGI groups based around various geographic regions in the UK. The idea behind the regional groups is that they prevent the AGI from falling into the trap of becoming a ‘London centric’ organisation.

What they Do:
The existence of the regional groups allows the AGI to run events (both social and professional) in locations that make them more accessible to our widely flung members. After all we can’t really expect members to trek down from Newcastle for GeoBeers in London on a Tuesday night.

The other major (and probably more serious) benefit of having regional groups is that it allows AGI members to join a group with an agenda tailored to the demands of their specific region. This is particularly relevant to members from regions with devolved government institutions (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). However this is still important for other regions as it allows members to access Government at a local level. The regional groups also provide an opportunity for AGI members to communicate their concerns and ideas for the AGI at a grass roots level back to the council and the team.

Who they Are:
 Currently the AGI has six regional groups:

If you would like to register your interest in one of these branches of the AGI, please log in to the member area.

What’s Next:
Similarly to the SIGs we (I) are (am) going to be working to improve communication and cooperation with the regional groups and help them further their aims and further engage our members. The regional groups are a really important vehicle for reaching our membership and providing them with the chance to engage with the AGI.

If you are a member of a regional group and would like to see your group featured on this blog (events, success stories or just general information welcome) please email me at



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