Thursday, 11 July 2013

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the future

So what is an SIG?
The AGI maintains a number of different SIGs. These groups are designed to provide a vehicle for AGI members to discuss and further specific interest areas within the wider field of Gi. These can vary from focusing on specific areas of technology to different applications for GI or groups looking at specific issues facing the industry. SIGs operate as voluntary groups set up by one or more members for the benefit of the interested group.

SIGs are key to the success of the AGI as they allow members with specific interests to come together and discuss issues and developments in their interest area. They also provide the opportunity for many disparate individuals to come together and have one voice on an issue.

The Future
As a result a major part of our new drive for better communications with our members and the wider GI community is better integration of the SIGs. To further this I will be running blog posts on the different SIGs and their activities over the next few months, starting with the Suppliers SIG next week. We will also be offering support and guidance to the SIGs to help them market themselves and communicate with their members more effectively including advice on setting up Twitter and LinkedIN accounts.

List of SIGs
Below is the current list of SIGs, if you are interested in joining an SIG or creating a new one please contact me (

Call for content!
As already mentioned this blog will be focusing on different SIGs over the coming months, if you are a member of an SIG and wish to contribute (either through a guest post or a quote/information for a post) this would be most welcome. This is all about getting you (the SIG member) involved and showcasing your activities.
Images from any SIG events would also be welcome, I don’t want to subject you to a wall of text very week!



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