Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Geo: The Big 5 - Launching our 2014 Events!

Last week we launched our main events series for 2014 titled ‘Geo: The Big 5’. This is a series of six national events (the five referring to the issues) made up of five one day events and the annual conference.

With this year being the 25th Anniversary of the AGI we wanted to ensure that rather than looking to the past we produced an event series that is tackling the issues in the industry today and looking towards changes in the future.

Throughout 2013 we held discussions with our members, SIGs, delegates at events and industry experts to help identify some of the top issues and challenges that the industry is experiencing today. We had great feedback on this and have managed to group most of these issues into the following five areas:

·        Future Cities
·        Open Geospatial
·        Big Data
·        BIM and Asset Management
·        Policy

Each of these topics will have its own one day event dedicated to it and have been chosen because they are nationally significant.

The first event of the series will be Future Cities and will (rather appropriately) be held in Glasgow, home of the Future Cities Demonstrator on the 18th March.
It’s important to note that we aren’t neglecting other areas of the industry and each conference will contain a strong second stream of content showcasing best practice and innovation beyond the main theme of the conference. The second stream in Glasgow for example will showcase great uses of GI from within Scotland.

All of these themes will feature in the annual conference ‘GeoCom: The Changing Face of Geo’. The new annual conference will serve to bring together the discussions from the other events and set the agenda for Geo going in to 2015 and beyond.

Plans are well underway with a number of speakers already lined up and a call for papers ready to go for what is going to be an exciting programme of events. Last year’s showcase events were a great success but we’re confident that this is going to be something a bit more special.

To book for any of the events click here

If you want any more information or are interested in volunteering with the organising groups for any of the events (or think you know a great speaker) then please get in touch! (chris.rhodes@agi.org.uk) 

Also as part of the new look events series we are using the lovely new logo you can see at the top and will be tweeting under #geobig5

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