Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Sponsorship and Geo: The Big 5

We have just finalised and released our Sponsorship pack for the 2014 events and corporate membership. Previously membership of the AGI and sponsorship of the events have been handled on a separate and ad hoc basis although there was some change in this last year with the opportunity to sponsor all of the showcase events. The opportunity to mass sponsor a series of events (with associated discounts) proved popular and we have continued and extended this system for 2014.

Geo: The Big 5 is perfect for this as it provides a range of themes and geographic locations meaning those sponsoring the events will get to engage with a wide range of delegates representing a host of different companies and industries. However this year we have decided to go further and create a sponsorship package that includes corporate membership of the AGI alongside the events sponsorship. This allows our members and sponsors to take advantage of their membership and the events series in a coordinated way such as being able to send out mailings before and after events, writing guest blog posts and having their logo on all the events material for a whole year.

Of course we understand that as much as we have chosen topics that are relevant across verticals not all companies would be interested in each category. BIM and Asset Management is likely to attract quite a different set of delegates and therefore sponsors to the Open Geospatial event.

We also wanted to make sure that, like our individual membership having a presence at AGI events would be an option for companies of all sizes. After all the AGI is not a profit making organisation and simply uses the sponsorship money it receives to continue working for the GI industry in the UK. With this in mind the cheapest supporter package for a Geo Big 5 event is only £200+VAT with full exhibitor packages from £600+VAT.

Anyway the first Geo Big 5 event is fast approaching with Future Cities in Glasgow on the 18 March. The programme is excellent with some great speakers and delegate bookings are filling up fast so take a look at the new sponsor pack and seize a chance to be part of a great event series!

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